Saturday, April 17, 2010

the great laser tragedy

rug assembly

laser cut

working on a larger scale

devoure failed me

i tried lot of different velvets for the devore paste but still the effect was not desired
then i decided to look at my explorations again . and decided to work woth tesselated geometric forms and laser cut motifs
i started my motif development taking inspiration fro the plant cell. because they are the smallest and the most beautiful arrangement of fractals . infact i never knew that plants looked better under the microscope

Sunday, April 4, 2010

fabric matters

I thoroughly enjoyed the four day easter and good Friday vacation. ate good food and slept to my hearts content. but something was constantly bugging me i still had not yet done my swatch explorations. there had been this one thing i was wanting to try but probably was waiting for the right fabric.i tried the technique on several fabrics but it would just not yield any positive results and then i find this velvet tucked away in my box and this was it.
i never thought it would be possible but it did work
after trying some three different velvets it did work on one.and i was ecstatic. just feel that that a bit of goofing off paid in the end .