I showed my mindmaps on theory of chaos. and how chaos ia made up of fractals and then tesselations.
we were talking about The order in chaos. that there is nothing really as chaos. its lots of layers of system overlapping each pother that forms chaos.
meera then said its the view point from where we look. amidst the system it looks like chaos because we are not able to relate one to another. but once you distance your self from the system and take a top view of the system you start seeing a pattern.
rhythm was another word along with movement which came across as a part of this discussion.how these individual fractals are in state of constant motion and their state of existence is rather harmonious following a rhythm.
so when these layers or systems are one on top of other some layers are much more dominate and obvious then the other. yet all the layers are important for the whole picture. if one layer just because it less obvious ia removed from the system the whole end product gets warped.so the stress is on each unit and each layer being important.
now the other aspect that was important was juxtaposing of these individual elements. in the bigger picture lot of different element are placed together, and placing of contrasting elements together in a harmonious way is called juxtaposing. that exactly what happens in the theory of chaos..
so at the end of discussion i concluded that chaos+ organized order+ juxtaposing+ multiple layering( disguise) are the key words .
these words are connecting to each other when we study the theory of chaos. and will help me formulate my concept further.
mind map
developing a visual bank
now the need is to develop a visual bank which could represent my concept.these images would later help me formulate my design idea.i am reserching in history, civilisation and poresent artists work to see how fractals, chaos and order existed from the time primitive to the present.african village settlemenst have shown avidence that the layout os based on fractal geometry. their textiles also show examples of fractal prints.
jackson pollock is known for creating drip painting which looks like fractals.
Is patchwork similar to fractals
and tessellations?
what is patch work? Patchwork or "pieced work" is a form of needlework that involves sewing together pieces of fabric into a larger design. The larger design is usually based on repeat patterns built up with different colored shapes. These shapes are carefully measured and cut, straight-sided, basic geometric shapes making them easy to piece together.
which resonates to definition of tessellation which also means a shape that fills in the whole area without overlaps.
tessellation in quilting with patch work
origami comes across as in effective way of experimenting and replicating tessellations and fractals, Japanese art of paper folding has been used extensively for various design needs.
feedback 25th march 2010- with Rachel and Meera
after viewing my research where i have tried to cover various field and work of art of different artists who have interpreted fractals and chaos.
Rachel and Meera suggested that i should go back to the whole concept of fractals, where movement and rhythm are a utilized. i was interested in working with origami tessellations , but it seems that its rather a rigid form and does not really grow.so now i am experimenting with shibori and heat resist to translate movement and rhythm.
swatch explorations
i have my inspiration and my idea and i have seen how various people have translated fractals into products. yet i feel stuck somehow i cannot conjure up any image of how i want my surface to look. what kind of a feel do i want to create, where do i use it.
usually when u have everything in place your mind automatically runs around trying to figure our what technique would translate it best.
i don't want to use dyes this time or at least want to avoid their use. i wish to explore the properties of a material and use it to alter the surface and avoid introducing a foreign substance.
so i tried manipulating the fabric my tessellating it in various ways.some of my swatch exploration are shown.
Concept mood board
I made the concept mood board which reflects the feel that my products would generate. this also helps in maintaining a specific colour palette and keeping to the mood of the concept.
this mood board was developed on the basis of my explorations.
fabric matters
I thoroughly enjoyed the four day easter and good Friday vacation. ate good food and slept to my hearts content. but something was constantly bugging me i still had not yet done my swatch explorations. there had been this one thing i was wanting to try but probably was waiting for the right fabric.i tried the technique on several fabrics but it would just not yield any positive results and then i find this velvet tucked away in my box and this was it.
i never thought it would be possible but it did work
after trying some three different velvets it did work on one.and i was ecstatic. just feel that that a bit of goofing off paid in the end
from the plant cell
after enough of material and swatch explorations i finally decided on which techniques to take forward. with one task over now i had to design the patterns that would go on my fabric.for this
i took inspiration from a plant cell under a microscope. since we talk about fractals i went to look at the smallest places where they occur. and to my surprise plant cells are rather beautiful and colorful and inspiring. here are my sample designs .
with the fabric ready two wooden frames had to be made.they were made in to school workshop using wood from old frame. the fabric was then upholstered on the frame layer by layer.
fabric reaction
more development
continuing from my last explorations I have tried to combine two
my techniques together to see the result
from the plant cell
after enough of material and swatch explorations i finally decided on which techniques to take forward. with one task over now i had to design the patterns that would go on my fabric.for this
i took inspiration from a plant cell under a microscope. since we talk about fractals i went to look at the smallest places where they occur. and to my surprise plant cells are rather beautiful and colorful and inspiring. here are my sample designs .
converting to corel draw
iterated motif
working on a larger scale to analyse
the size and the units required
laser cut units and assembly
it was like a new drill when i had to do a crash course on corel draw because i needed to draw my patterns on corel draw. and in between my computer crashes. thanks to shailee and benji for alternately lending me a laptop to work on and also again to shailee for lending me her precious tablet.
i had a hard time working on corel draw but the efforts paid off in the endwhen the laser cut machine responded positively to the software.that was really a relief.
but that was not it, the machine would not cut white rexin as it was leaving burn marks on the cloth.
i had to option but to hand cut the pattern for the wall display.
but the other stuff that was laser cut came out beautifully and i am looking forward to assembling them.
hand cut rexin
for the lamp the white rexin was hand cut. for this the pattern was traced onto the fabric and then precisely cut along the edges.
with the fabric ready two wooden frames had to be made.they were made in to school workshop using wood from old frame. the fabric was then upholstered on the frame layer by layer.
floret- the room divider
floret is the room divider. its made from several geometric units interlinked to form a larger organic form.
its made from 100 pieces of laser cut felt. they are joined by making incisions in the fabric.
the translucent material along with the laser cut provide an interesting interplay of light and shadow.
foliole- contemporary rug with a lamp
foliole is a rug with a lamp that is inspired by the fall of the leaves during autumn. it is made of 80 peices of simple geometric shape interlinked to create an illusion of complexity and multiple layering
its made from laser cut felt and rexin